To stroke or not to stroke......

Actually with our cars and the way that we do them they are faster than the 408's, and 416's around here. We get accused of haveing bigger engines but the truth is we don't. We just have our S**t together, keep in mind I've been racing longer than some on here have been alive 30+ years so this isn't new, it's just very well refined. Also haveing 5 engineers for friends isn't bad either but is well earned. A trust that WON'T be betrayed, so I have 3 at Mopar and 2 at Ford the way I look at it is that I EARNED IT!
I'm here to help and not compete, I compete on the track most weekends, this also helps where I get my info from, I do it and test it, I also machine it and assemble it so QC is the highest and to (in my opinion) the highest standards. I'm sure that there are better than myself out there but with the help that I have it will take alot of $$$$ and training to get the same knowledge. Sorry for sounding arrogant but this is the way that it is.
If some don't like my opinions, than in your opinion you think that I'm stupid, then go about your way just as I will mine, don't take my advise I really don't care. I'm here to inform and discuss different things to the best of my knowledge and give the best answers to my ability.
If you want a stroker, then build one, if you want the same power out of a factory CI engine then ask, I don't turn my engine's any harder than the strokers and run as fast. Sorry but this is my opinion and take it for what it's worth.