Wife said NO! Again.

Me too, I wasn't kidding, I had a chance to get a mid 60's Dodge one a couple years ago, 500 gal water with a water cannon out of the roof!!!! Can you imagine the fun you could have :-D

The ship hasn't sailed on this one, I'll keep an eye on it and if it doesn't sell in a month I'll have a look and make a low offer. Gives me a month to work on the wife :-D

Warm her first with the idea of riding in it at the parades. Then tell the wife how deprived you were as a kid and that this truck would make up for how you feel so depressed when you think about it. Then tell her you think you might have to go see a shrink to help you get over your childhood and in the long run this truck would be cheaper. If that still doesn't work then remind her how much time it would take out of schedules and gas costs while going to the shrink.

LOL!! Well, does it sound good enough to work?