Toyota (again).

Yeah and some dumba$$ ***** testified before congress yesterday playing the phone call she made while her car was supposedly accelerating out of control. She wanted to hear her husbands voice one more time...

Think about this!!! How about putting the transmission in "N" or turning the ignition switch 1 click towards you? No, we'll get out the phone.

Everybody whines about how "Big Government" is taking over, but is just as quick to scream that the government isn't doing enough to monkey in the affairs of the private market. If this case had any merit, I'm sure there would be plenty of class action suits pending. Remember the Pinto?

So tell me, all of a sudden your vehicle runs off at full throttle and you can't stop it. What are you going to do? Most people I'll bet will panic and stomp the brakes until theres no pad left. It's human nature to do the one thing that they figure is their best option.

If toyota cared this wouldn't have been around since the beginning of the new millennium, Toyota has been ducking the deaths and problems for years now and should be publically tarred and feathered.