Toyota (again).

Yeah and some dumba$$ ***** testified before congress yesterday playing the phone call she made while her car was supposedly accelerating out of control. She wanted to hear her husbands voice one more time...

Think about this!!! How about putting the transmission in "N" or turning the ignition switch 1 click towards you? No, we'll get out the phone. Preventable accident?

Everybody whines about how "Big Government" is taking over, but is just as quick to scream that the government isn't doing enough to monkey in the affairs of the private market. If this case had any merit, I'm sure there would be plenty of class action suits pending. Remember the Pinto?

As for 39 people dying, (supposedly as a result of an alleged defect) how many deaths per mile driven? Is this even statistically significant? The recalled Toyotas have a far better safety record than any car made when out A-bodies were new. Would you crush your Mopar because somebody in DC told you it was unsafe? Would you scream oppression if the feds told you to?

And you're calling other's dumbasses? Know what it takes to shut off a car with a push button ignition, like her Lexus probably was? Worked on a new millenium car where the PCM will keep accidental engagement of neutral or reverse (and she testified) from happening?

You're speaking like an armchair quarterback. Easy for you to sit behind a keyboard saying do this or do that, not so easy to do when you're in the exact same situation.

And you're telling others to do his research. Seems you missed the fact that Toyota has already faced a class action suit when engines were blowing up and Toyota was charging the customers for new engines when it was a design flaw with the oil passages. The engineers discovered this design flaw, but the corporate brass decided to cover up what the engineers were saying and kept on with the idea of blaming the customers (there's customer service again). The internal memos were exposed during the suit, showing the corporate brass knew about it, hid it, and decided to make money off of it by selling new engines. Money, not customer service, is the name of the game.

As a result of the prior lawsuit, Toyota has set themselves up for this investigation, by showing they have a history of cover ups within the company. This time around they blamed the floormat. Didn't work, people still had accidents. Blaming the floormats, again, was a cost saving issue. And what's being exposed right now, shows they knew it was. Right now Congress is grandstanding, I'll agree with you. The NTSB should be leading an investigation, not Congress.

Since money is involved why isn't anyone, all those here, who have stated that his or her customer service at the dealership has been so great taken a look at the prior class action suit? Charging a customer thousands of dollars to replace an engine when it was in fact, the engine itself that was bad, and then telling the customer it was his or fault, that's not exactly what I would call good customer service. That's predatory. That's building something purposefully bad and then seeking to continue to make money instead of correcting a mistake. It's the predatory nature which has the investigation going.