USA thru to medal round in hockey

In the Swiss game you guys had a goal that was reviewed and disallowed re-reviewed, first time I've ever seen a review of a review. It went in your favour and then you got an empty net goal, I would call that very, very near to an upset.

I'm not making excuses, did you even watch the game? Canada flat out dominated the game but Miller was incredible and Brodeur wasn't good at all. Plain and simple Miller won it for you and Brodeur lost it for us, if Miller would have been in goal for Canada and Broduer for the US, it would have been 8-2 for Canada. I don't look at the games with rose colored glasses, I call it the way I see it. If we had been outlplayed the way you were and won I would be the first one to say how lucky we were to have our goalie steal the show. If we do meet in the final and you outplay, outshoot, outchance us and lose I'll be here saying how lucky we were to win it. I sure won't be saying how much better our team was because we had the one and most important player winning it for us.

Having said all that, it's far from a done deal that we meet in the final, both teams have a tough semi to get through.

I didn't say the US wasn't outplayed, but the end result is what's important - the win doesn't need to be further qualified. Now if it was a shootout win and a one-goal difference, that's a different story - the point is that although Canada carried the play for most of the game - the US actually capitalized on it's chances and scored 5 goals. Give team US credit for a playing a smart game. They were willing to block pucks, use the body, and just do what needed to be done to win.

Yes, I did watch the game.

The US may very well have woken the sleeping beast, because Canada didn't look all that impressive up until the Germany game, but I'm not going to panic because you guys trounced an unprepared, unmotivated Russian team that was clearly overrated. All the talent, but no team.

We'll see what happens if they meet again - I can garuntee the US will put up a better fight than Russia did.