This just makes me mad

This really pisses me off. Where I work we have had united tractors with /6 Chrysler engines. When I started working here (1981) we had about 30 of these tractors and through the years the numbers have been slowly decreasing. I used to work in the tractor shop years ago and they had all types of replacement parts: heads, blocks, electronic distributors, starters, alternators, elect. ign., you get the picture. Well I stopped by there yesterday and talked to 1 of the Machinist and he told me that about 3 months ago they brought in a dumpster and were told by one of the manangers to throw everything away. All this stuff (some still in boxes) is pitched because they only have 2 tractors left and are not going to need the parts anymore. I was told they are trying to scrap these last two tractors soon so I told the Machinist that when they do let me know so I can at least salvage what I can. Like I said before, this just pisses me off.