Buyers beware of John Geitz Jr.

I received my parts today, not broken or cracked but they aren't as nice as the picures in the ad he had posted and they don't match each other as I remember in the ad...:-k There was no sign of the $75 money order he promised to send me either but maybe it will come in the mail tomarrow as It wasn't in the box with the parts or in the regular mail today. Guess I will wait and see. :clock: I figured on restoring the bezels anyhow so that everything matched so not THAT big of a deal, but they aren't a nice as I remember on the ad he posted. Here is pic of what I received. What do you guys think? Are they worth $64? From what I remember, the ones in his ad looked like new/NOS and I was more than happy to spend that kind of money for them, at least if he does re-pay me the money he promised these will be free and a real bargin for me and his name will be cleared of all the time and trouble I spent with the postmaster general and attny. generals office as well as my frustrations with doing business with him. I'm sure he is probably an ok guy, just trying to make a few bucks from selling parts just like most of us on here. I will let everyone know if/when I get my money back.

headlight bezels.jpg