Electric Choke

Ya after re-reading I realized that I didn't actually post a question... lol sorry guys. Basically I want to know how to hook it up properly so that it will function. Am I right in thinking that with this properly hooked up that the car will start easier?

Would pictures help?
If you go out and the car is cold, pushing the gas pedal to the floor once should allow the choke butterflies to close. If they do not, then the previous owner of the varb has the choke pretty much set to not come on. If they do close, then hooking up a hot wire to it will not help anything at all. The only thing the wires do is warm the spring up so the choke butterflies open.

YES, a properly adjusted choke should help the car start a bit easier than no choke or an improperly adjusted one. Too bad you are not in Seattle, we'd get it done for you in about 20-30 minutes or so.