Eagle crank

what did I say that was wrong?:angry7:

Well, I can point out a few things but I haven't seen all the emails. And this isn't meant to be derrogatory towards you, just a different way of handling a situation. I understand you are upset but it's better to keep that in check because usually when you tell someone you are going to start bad mouthing their product on all the internet forums you know of, that isn't condusive to getting any kind of compensation from them, in fact it would instantly turn me off to you as it did them.

If I have a problem with something, or someone I'll try to play to their compassionate side. Something like, You know I spent a lot of money on your products and while I understand there is no warranty for such a thing I'd hope you could help me out in some way. I did a lot of research before I bought your product and I thought yours was the best for the money. I understand things happen but I don't see how, with my combination and the few miles it was something I caused. So I was hoping you guys could help me out here as my funds are about tapped out and all I have to show for it is a broken crank.

Even if they sent you another crank and you didn't want to use it you could sell it on fleabay and recoop some of your loss. Something is better than nothing, right?

Now if they still say no ask for a supervisor and repeat your sad story until you get something or you don't. If you don't, then you can tell them to go pound sand where the sun doesn't shine and that every forum in the world will hear about what crap they sell.

Just my $.02, YMMV. And good luck with your Ohio Crank crankshaft. I'm seriously considering one of those too.