is this crazy or what??????? lol????????

well, the guy drove it from one spot to his house down the road. he siad it was fine. that was four years ago. but it has been inside since then, and he does start it and all once in a while. he said the the only problem is that the car doesnt like to hold a idle, from sitting. but once i get on the highway, i do not need geez i am nuts. other than that, well,,,,he still thinks i am nuts............but i don't dis-agree

it does'nt sound like it drove too far,which is'nt too reassuring,but the main problem I find from cars that have sat,especially those with disc brakes but drums too,is the calipers either are tight or tighten up after the brakes have been used a couple times.Either way,you'll know within 10 minutes or so if you stop and feel your wheels to see if they're hot if you have'nt noticed the car stopping on its own from a slow roll already.Only fix for that if you want to drive the car is to rebuild or replace the caliper.

Also,if the emergency brake has been left on for a long time or not used then applied,the cables often stick on and you have to manually release them inside the drum and possibly disconnect them from the shoes if they wont retract.If they have'nt been used for a long time,don't even think about trying to use them because they will stick on and start dragging.

Check the tires by feeling the tread area and sidewalls for lumps and bulges and inflate (or deflate) for proper air pressure.