18th birthday

My 18th birthday is coming up and will be on the fourth (Thursday) and man do I have alot going on.

For my senior project my friend and I put together a pretty big car show that will be on the 6th. So my birthday will be packed full getting ready for this car show.

Also now that I am 18 I can bring the 67 dart to the school so I can work on it in class. I have three hours of auto class each day so I should start getting things done. Yay. I will be painting the inside and starting on the custom dash.

First thing up to do is pull the motor and start machining it and building it for twin turbo's.

As soon as the car gets there progress shall really come along as I am peeping for the build.

I don't know why I made this a thread but ya that's what I got going on.