Maxi is in the Hospital......

You have both been there for each other in really tough times and you never quit on her then so why quit now. She will be way more happy being a tripod and staying with you then she ever will with another family.

I'm thinking you are correct dusted. She's got a lot of attitude and hate to think that she was shuffled around among mulitple owners.

I agree with many here that amputation is a viable option. My neighbors always have pups from the AZ Humane Society that have been injured and foster them in their home. They have had many 3 legged ones that adjust fine......Let me know if you'd like to talk w/ them about it.

Thanks for your support Cheryl. I really do appreciate it.

Once again sorry, that is a very, very hard choice to make and it makes me sad to think about having to make that choice myself. My thought are with you and Maxi.

Man, that was one hell of a story. :read2: Jeez, that poor little guy with his pecker caught in the cast. :sad5: I would've ran like hell too, broken leg or not. Thank you for that.

As others have said, don't beat yourself up over it, you were playing with her, it's not your fault.

Thank you Rob, you are a good man.

Me three Joe, and I hope you do understand what Rob said 8)
I do like the new pink cast :happy10: Please give Maxi and Merlin a good scratch behind the ears for me, I have smooth floors here and I did not think about this till the day it happened and I have be more careful how I play with Buddy on them

Thanks Mike and you bet they got a scratch. :) I think running on the fllor is OK but no jumping and landing. :angry7:

showed my wife the picture of Maxi, she wants to know whats up with nobody signing her cast......

She won't let anybody grab her leg but me. :) She looks really sweet but she's got a temper....:toothy10:

Sorry to hear of the setback, Joe.

I'm not liking your choices much. Only two viable options, really. I can't see you giving up Maxi, that just wouldn't be right. So obviously, euthanasia is out as well. So that leaves us with a vet bill, and/or amputation.
We're all here for ya, Maxi. Tell that hard-headed master of yours to let us do what we can. You're just too darn cute.

Thanks comoxian, Maxi says "Woof, he's as hard headed as I am, WOL (woofing out loud)"

Sorry Joe...this suck. As an outside observer...I'd go with the amputation. Dogs are amazing creatures and she will adapt quickly. Look how fast she's adapting to her cast!

Good luck.

Aloha Sent!

Thanks Mike. I'm thinking that this may be the route I take but I'll know more when the doc gets back to me.

Well, she can feel assured that there is no one better qualified on earth to make that decision for her, than you buddy...... Dog's best friend. 8)

Thanks 340, I'm just coming to terms with this whole deal and I feel a lot better about whatever might be the outcome.