Wives/Girlfriends = Car Women

I'm usually a solitary creature when working on the car, rarely venturing beyond my own toolbox for help. My wife does help with stuff like: making sure I don't work myself into a coma ( I'm diabetic and she's a nurse ) by poking her head out into the garage and saying "Are you gonna come in and eat something before you die?", making helpful comments like " you need wider tires on that thing, it looks goofy" :lol: or lovingly calling my car "smurfette" or "the mistress" :angry7:

Seriously though she does help when asked, talks with me about the mods ( talks not just listens blankly ), has been know to do a parts run, bring me a sandwich or beer and is all around awesome ( although the above comments are actual quotes :toothy10: ). She has even been caught identifying old cars while out on the road. She like much older cars than I do but she gets it... She has a hot spot for the late 50's resto-mod vette's. She does say that she would rather I be out in the garage working on something than most other "hobbies" or extracurricular activities.
I don't think I'd have been able to do it without her. :cheers: