Dull dash gauge lights - rallye cluster

Appreciate forwarding the information. Details like this are hard to come by and worse yet when your in the garage on a Sunday afternoon and you want it done "now" you'll never have this stuff at hand.

Anyhow: The dull bulbs were all brand new replacements. And believe me, hardly used the last 2 years. The tinted diffusers will still be in place when the leds lights are in. Went over all that with the guy on the phone, still trying to maintain the factory look and lighting tone but just increasing the brightness by a lot.

Also the headlight switch (instrument light dimmer) rheostat is a brandy new unit. Had a feeling right after we tried brightening/dimming the lights with the new circuit boards in place the new switch was not good. By the time I posted this to the time I contacted the vendor it looks like we have it figured out.