Beware of dealing with Mark Nixon

Some people you just cant figure out. I did something similiar to this with what i assumed was a friend. Didn't cost me any cash out of my pocket but a lot of supplies. I let a guy use my shop as needed and continuous on several occasions for a 4 or 5 yr period. I'd furnish all elec, air, floor dry, paper towels and a lot more for some pretty extensive projects. No "Hey heres $20 to help out on things". I ended that relationship and guess what? I'm an asshole. When i'm someplace and he's pulling in, then all of a sudden he sees my rig setting there, he pulls out and continues on. He cant do the face to face thing. Some blame it on his wife/girlfriend. It's great to have balls but it's better to have em and own em too. If YOU read this just let me say this. I dont hate you. I'm better than that. Stop by and give me your take on it. Leave the old lady at home. There are still some parts to your car here. They belong to you. Rant over.
Small Block