14" fan + 360 = overheat

superdart said
Hmm..I'd thought about a 3 core.

I had a seven blade A/C fan (with clutch) no shroud, and a hi volume MP water pump. In traffic it tended to run warm, and on our normal hot days it was really making me sweat (no pun intended).

Curious though, if copper cools better than aluminum, why does everyone want to install aluminum in thier cars?

Because of the cost (aluminum is cheaper for the manufacturer in comparison to copper, not necesarily cheaper for you and me, they call that profit margin) cool factor (not refering to tempeture) push of advertising, ooooh aluminum=high tech 20th century light weight it is lighter but the difrence in a street car is negligeable 9-10 lbs or so), etc, etc. There is an article about a direct comparison of the cooling ability of a copper radiator to an aluminum one. aluminum copper comparison clicky and one more for good measure copper vs aluminum