Favorite WWII Plane?

Not knowledgeable about WWII planes, BUT, I help out an elderly neighbor that I knew flew planes. In the past few years we have talked about his flying.

He is 87 years old, grew up with foster parents who were weathy farmers. He became interested in planes at about age 12. I believe he told me he got his pilots lisence around age 16. He was pilot in WWII flying B 17. Just last week I ask him if there was a name on his plane. It was "Evelon FIRST KISS" after a girlfriend. He was in his in his early 20's and captain of the plane, most of the crew were older than him, but called him POPS.

I ask him if he flew any other planes during the war and he said because of his size, he was about 6'5", he was too big to fly the fighter planes.

I'm more interested in what he did than any other time in my life.

There are few left to tell their stories. he has been ask to talk at different events and always refused. One day he said "I don't know why I'm telling you this, I have not talked about it in years"

When Amilia came out i ask if he knew 1st hand who she was and what she was doing, He said that it was on the radio and newspapers. My wife took a DVD over and the night before she went they had a special on her on PBS, so Taped it for him to be able to see.

I have known him basicly all my life that I have good memory, my dad and him were good friends, but it has only been since my dad died that I have sat and talked to him alot. He was a crazy womanizer, always had a motorcycle and tell dirty jokes all the time. Now I get to see the other side of the WWII pilot that has alot of stored memories of some very bad times.

If you know any elderly pilots, just how they got started. It my surprise you.