14" fan + 360 = overheat

I know the stat won't help the overall situation, but it's opening much later than I want it to. If I'm going to replace/mod the radiator, I'll put in the lower stat while I'm at it.

I would prefer to stick with an electric fan, now that I went to all the trouble to wire it in and make it look pretty. Once I have a better radiator, we'll see what type of fan setup I need.

I like the triple pass unit that US Radiator is advertising, but it has no trans cooler provisions. I have a large B&M 11" x11" cooler to put in for the trans fluid. But I wonder if this alone would be enough for the trans (along with a deep sump pan)? Just a thought...Since my radiator is pretty new, it's in good shape and it would probably be most cost effective to re-core it.

B&M fluid cooler
