Favorite WWII Plane?

I'll confine my comments to just the single or twin engined warcraft and not include those introduced just prior to the end of WW2.

I can't really have one favorite since so many had so very much going for them.

P-40 AVG Flying Tiger; heavy armour and when used with greater dive speed deadly to the Zero.

P-39 Airacobra; mid-engine with 37mm cannon firing thru prop'hub with other MG's. Awesome ground support.

P-47 Thunderbolt ( Jug ) Heavy, fast, armed and armoured to the max. Brought it's pilots home with 6' of wing shot off and another had several cly's of it's radial engine shot out.

P-38 Lightning; responsible for taking out Yamamoto after max range flight and minimal on target time. Charles Lindburg flew combat missions in 38 but was un-official.

F 6 F Hellcat; replaced the Wildcat much to surprise to many Zero pilots and had greatest total of Navy kills.

B-25 Mitchell; besides attacking Japan from a carrier had many versions of which was one with a 75mm cannon in the nose.

B-26 ( Douglas, though Martin A-26 was also deadly ) good bomb load and massive gun platform.

FW-190; fast and deadly to Bomber Command ( too bad it wasn't ours )

SBD Dauntless and TBF/TBM Avenger; backbone attack aircraft of the Navy mid to late in the war.

C-47; the deuce and a half and five ton of the air.

Of course the P-51 and F 4 U.

ALL TIME FAVORITE : The men who crewed all the allied aircraft !