Favorite WWII Plane?

Whew! I'm with a few of the guys and can not pin point ust one aircraft as a fav. On the American craft, P-51 Mustang is the hot rod gem I love and once the Brit's gave us there (I think it was) the Merlin engine, things improved big time.
The P-38 and the F4U round out the top 3 for me. Seen a F4U fly once.

The Brit's Spitfire is the Golden boy taking the lead over the Hurricane which I thought was nice. There the back bone of the RAF until the spit came out in force. The real and biggest defenders of England during the assault.

One of my Fav. Brit planes is the Tempest. Now that was a hot rod of a plane.

The Germans IMO, had boring ugly planes save a few. Love the ME 262.

Growing up on Long Island, the Republic air port where the P-47 was made was but a few minute drive down the Hwy. and has since been turned intoa measuem. And a very good one. Also, "UP" the block was Gruman. Seeing Hawkeyes flying daily and a Tomcat every once in a while was great.

Twin tails and a great slogan I love to see, read and stand by.
"Anytime Baby!"