Weird thoughts of the day.

Wait till you are so close to death you can feel yourself slipping away and you pray in earnest to be saved because you are not ready to leave the ones you love and you suddenly know you have been heard and the paramedics give you oxygen and bring you back to life. Then you will no longer care or worry what the JR,s of the world believe. You will feel sorrow for them but their words of athiesm will sound like a joke to your ears because you will know. I was buried under 8 feet of dirt in a cave in and said my prayers and gave up and asked Jesus to take me as I vomited on myself.Probably 30 minutes later they missed my head by an inch with a backhoe bucket and hand dug my head out and gave me oxygen. Four men swearing they were part of a miracle is all the proof I need. Believe what you want. I know. Everyday I stop and thank the lord for my life in one way or another.Sometimes its by doing something good for somebody so i can hope he,s glad of his decision to spare me. DD