Locked my keys in the trunk.

Whats worse is when you think you locked the keys in the trunk, take out the seat and divider and not find them, then look on the workbench and they have been sitting there.

At least with older MoPars you cant lock your keys in the car. At least with all of my older ones 64, 67, 69 you cant lock the door and close it, and have it stay locked.

Here's one dumber than that: Went shopping with the wife one winter day; because she didn't want to lug her purse with her, locked up the car ('84 Volvo 240). Remembered to take the keys, even. Do our shopping, come out, key won't fit in the door! Ignition had apparently been changed at some point in the last 300,000 miles. :angry7: Scrounged a coathanger (hard to find these days), opened the trunk (that key worked, anyway), pushed down the center armrest (a cool little feature also)and snaked the coathanger through.. lying in the trunk with the hanger fully extended I finally manage to hook a rear doorhandle (impossible to grab the lock button), give it a yank- guess what? The rear childlocks are engaged! Anyway, finally had to call a garage to send a guy out, it still took him 20 minutes to break in with a full set of slim jims. This whole time it was about 15 degrees and windy, too... that was a fun day. :bootysha: