2010 has not been kind to me

sometimes life deals us things and we ask why me?

we never know what is going to happen.

I received a phone call yesterday that one of my best friends for over 35

years died of a heart attack. that is scary because we are all getting older

and wonder if we are next.

It is unfortunate when things happen that we don't expect or plan for.

most of us have had our turn at misfortunes in life and we have to learn to

pick up the pieces and move on. that is much easier said than done

especially when we are the ones going through the bad stuff. a saying that

I often refer to is "when the going gets tough...the tough get going"

Everything happens for a reason and we usually don't see the rationale for

these things to happen. when it has been my turn for bad things I try and

focus on the positive and keep telling myself that it could of been worse and

give thanks just for the fact that I am alive.

I know that things will turn out...they always do. just usually not as quickly

as we would like them to. Keep a stiff upper lip as you know things can

only get better.