MMMMMMM chicken noodle soup

Yup, no doubt, but it can be hard to find chickennoodles to make soup with! :-D

All growing up, I was known as something of a matzo ball master. Even my very Jewish, very Noo Yawk high school geometry teacher thought so. Getting them right is not difficult, but it's something of an art; they're easy to get wrong -- too heavy like lead weights, too light so they fly apart and turn the soup into sludge, too bland.

Y'wanna break a stereotype? My Jewish mother was generally a very good cook, but she couldn't make chicken soup. Sincerely! We all regretted it the few times she tried. It came out like dishwater or worse. I'm still not sure what she was doing wrong; it's almost harder to screw up chicken stock than to make it well.

("Mmm," said the man after his first taste of matzo ball soup, "these matzo balls are delicious! What other part of the matzo do you Jews eat?") :toothy10: