We've been adopted

Congratz! Looks like one cool kitty. :)

Yes she is, and playful, too. Despite being pregnant she is very playful. She has settled in really fast with us. We are guessing her last owner kicked her out for being an unwanted knocked up kitty. :sign10:

Lilo sure is a good looking mama Marry :cheers: Look at how the spots stop on her belle :happy10: I have never seen that before
What dose Stitch your Tom cat think about her ?
I see a little shinny black kitten in your home soon :love7:

Way to go Gregory :cheers: She will need a good home in her condition and you and your family will make great folks for her :happy10:

Yes, you have seen a cat with spots on her belly before. Snicklefritz, our kitten that died on Valentines Day, had spots.

Snickelfritz 005.01.JPG:heart:

We are guessing that they had the same daddy.:blob:
She is very vocal, Meowing like she is having a conversation with everyone, too.

:tongue3:As for Stitch, he is very curious. They meet nose to nose and sniff, but if he tries to sniff the other end...she hisses big time and he slinks off to hide under the table. That must be a considerable hiss, looking at her at only 5 pounds and Stitch weighs in somewhere around 34lbs. .



Snickelfritz 005.01.JPG
