Vacuum question!

Chrippa said
The cam is V 9215 Part # 2-000-5. I cant find it at comp cams page so i guess they dont make it anymore?

How much vacuum is, so to say, wanted in a streetable car? Im not so good at this as i only have begun to understand engine buildning, but im trying to learn!
How much agressive cam would be wise to go for ? How would the gain look like? Would there be any big difference ? :)

My friend who helped me measure told me that 15 ipm is more than a stock 340 had in vac. ! Is the vacuum mostly becuase of the cam or is it more to that the engine is stroked and has small intake channels for the displacement ?
OMG, so many questions! LOL.

I don't know what there making these days. My catolog is old and the new on-line one I can not seem to open up. (PDF's)
Vaccum, more the merry!
More aggressive cam? Depends on a number of things starting with what you can live with and your car. The weight, converter current, rear axle ratio, tire size etc.....
The gain or differences depend on the next cam chossen. Theres allways give and take with each choice. Lose of torque here, gain of HP there thing for starters.
I don't know what the stock 340 had for vaccum, but, the cam starts the ball rolling as well as the size of the motor and how it's configured and cam timing and type of cam.
Small intake runners do not add vaccum, but will aid in the speed of which the fuel and air run down into the cylinder. AKA, Velocity.