Fusible link questions

Based on the information provided and:

- my car only has 1 fusible link in the wiring diagram
- I will not be protecting other circuits by splicing in additional fusible links
- I will be replacing all of the wiring, some new some used but very good condition
- I currently do not have the fusible link, (the red wire from the starter relay)
- since I am not a electrical wizard

I came to the conclusion that I should use a Maxi Fuse, as they are readily available, (no ordering, no waiting, I can carry a few with me and even replace the extras quickly), and no splicing required to replace.

The best I could come up with after much research, is to use a 20 gauge wire for the entire length of the red fusible link wire in the diagram, and put a 40 amp Maxi Fuse in it.

Any comments or input?

I read a ton of information- but sometimes you get to a point where you have read too much and/or you are reading the wrong information.