Favorite Guitar Player!!

Wow... 4 pages and I think I saw Eddie Van Halen mentioned once.. maybe twice.. Im surprised... the list is long for me, and being a guitar player myself, I have a ton of influences.. best ever would be hard for me to nail down.. but Eddie is definitly up there at the top of the pile.. I mean he totally changed rock guitar.. He was an influence to so many it boggles the mind.. I saw Paul Gilbert listed (another of my influences and someone I have met) .. One of Pauls biggest influences was Eddie.. He made finger tapping a necessary staple of anyone wanting to be a rock guitarist...

After that the short list reads like this, Randy Rhoads, George Lynch, Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Satch, and it just keeps going from there LOL

Heres a pic of me and my custom Eddie guitar...
