Would you wear purple for me?

A couple of years ago, March 26 was dubbed International Epilepsy Day. A ten year old girl from Nova Scotia started it all, wanting to make the world aware of the epileptic condition.

I have had epilepsy since I was ten years old. Luckily, my seizures are very minor compared to most, but it has made a big difference in my life and how I live it. My seizures started when my grandmother died, and got worse right after my high school sweetheart was killed. I called them dizzy spells. Doctors thought it was all psychological, and that once I got over the traumatic losses, I'd be fine. But, no, they just continued to effect my life.

The biggest seizure I ever had happened about 5 years ago, when I was sitting at the bar with Jeff, waiting for dinner to arrive. Knocked me out cold for 12 minutes. I spent four days in the hospital. But, good came out of that, as I met a new doctor who really cared about me, and he put me on a medication that worked for me. Well enough, that I was able to get my first drivers license, at the age of 38! That's when Jeff bought me the Duster.

Anyway, there is still so much to be learned about epilepsy, and so many who do not understand that epilepsy is a condition, not a disease. And we are trying to spread the word.

On March 26, we ask all our friends to wear purple in recognition of Epilepsy Day. Whether it be a purple shirt, a purple pin, purple socks, doesn't matter, just something to recognize our special day.

My local friends here have all supported me in doing so, and I thought I'd pass the word around elsewhere as well.

Many thanks and much love to all,
