CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

As the day dawns, I wake from a semi state of sleep. You know, THAT sleep you don't really get right before a vacation or a car purchase!!!8)

The weather has turned colder and wetter sense our last trip. It's just that ***** mother nature reminding us what winter is like. (like we forgot sense last week!) It's also her way of letting us remember to cherrish the days we get like the one we had that last trip.

Thank you Mother Nature for the day we had the other day!!!!!:cheers:
Not that I'm complaining today, I am breathing, drinking double D's, going for a ride with a meaner ***** than you named BOF!:happy10:

So were off!
Stop in the next town to pick up some new killer business cards I designed.
Not ready yet.
Were late. While were racing towards the highway, I forgot to tell you,
We can't do the whole Ohio lunch, Oxford college town trip. We had to reorganize plans (as usual DAM!)

We are opn our way to pick up some foe osterage vinyl for BOF 67 Dash that needs re done to match the rest of her interior I did. Remember we took her other later year pad and put it in Fern.
Got the stuff!

We're off to the 64 D200 push button Poly!
What a heap!

Ok I'm not lost and I don't need gas and directions............yes I do!:read2:

Lets just get home and get some stuff done! Like post more guitar players on ABB thread! LOL!!!

Maybe we can catch a little of that time machine magic again soon so tune in next time on the next installment of................

CAR HUNT! or BOF and me car hunting, or just driving around having fun with FABO!!!:cheers:









