Dart Art, Lets see yours!!

This really doesn't qualify as Dart art but car or autopart art .Just wanted to post it .It's an old gas can I modified it for My sister,She runs a nursery in Livermore Ca.and they are starting to use old car parts as planters.Anyways here's a gas can that will be planted eventually.Even though there was nary a hint of a wiff of gasoline and I cleaned it well before hand.Let me tell you making that first cut was a rush!Thought maybe I'd be nominated for a darwin award!

Cool man!

Automobilia garden sculpture!
I like it but would be afraid I would forget to water it's plant because it would blend too much with the rest of the stuff around the house! LOL!!
I still like it. I would just use it and clean up the rest of my stuff like I should!:-D