Price you pay to play - 727

If I was running tech at the track when that happened and then he showed up again with a 727 he would not be running the car. I have been around NHRA along time, my dad was the tech director for Division 6 in the 60's and still active in the 70's so I grew up at the drag strip. I will tell you that car would be band from competition by the tech director until he had a trans with a special case like a 'glide. There would be no way to verifiy if he had the aluminum drum in the car. There is a reason drag racers don't use a 727 in blown high HP applications. The aluminum drum is just a band aid fix it still won't stop the sprag from failing. Sprags can only handle so much abuse then they let go. This is why they are making spragless converters for high HP applications. Look at that car, it could have very easily gone the other direction and if it had the driver would probably be in a wheel chair. All of this just so you can say you have a Mopar trans in the car and not a GM style trans. Not worth loosing your legs or live over ego.