**sfi Approved Damper**

Thanks a ton for calling them Louis. I can't say I'm real impressed with them after it taking them 3 tries to get it right. Wouldn't you know it I need this thing sooner than 45 days or I'd wait to get one that fits right.

Louis how did your TCI Rattler fit? Did you have any pulley alignment issues with it? I'd get the snout turned down on mine but even then the bottom pulley will be way to far out because the balancer is so thick. I can make spacers to space the accessories out but I don't like the look of them plus I'm real close to the radiator now. Not sure if I can go out 1/2" more and clear it. I'm at the point of just coughing up whatever money it takes to resolve the issue if I only knew for sure which one to buy.

I know the rattler is a really good balancer, but it looks like something you light on the 4th of july and not something that goes on an engine. I hope they fired the fool who made that sticker or whatever it is on the front.

I am not sure what to do now...

It's funny because looks are actually important to me.
I wont buy a piece of crap, but it needs to look good too.
I like the PRW, I do. But man they seriously need to get an engine to test fit their own parts.

There just arent many choices to begin with.