Edelbrock heads

If your spending $1500.00 one would expect a product to run "Out of the box" I guess defective products are expected? And we are O.K. with that?

Not for my money! Let's say you spent $1500.00 on machine work on your block. When you get it home you have to do some clean up and re-tap some bolt holes and then find some other flaw. Would you just expect that? Or would you run right back to your machine shop and demand they do it right?

Quality is quickly fading in all sorts of businesses, What a shame!

John D. Beckerley
Austin, Texas

This is why I much prefer to buy a bare casting and have a competent machinist make them into a complete head. Sometimes it costs less that way, sometimes more. But in the end I have never had issues doing things this way, and I get things exactly how I want them.

And this is with any head for any motor. Nothing in specific.