Bad news from 340john

I finally heard back from John...well actually I heard from his wife Denise. It seems that john has had some medical issues (which he had written about here), he had been misdiagnost with fibromyalgia. However, he was experiencing pain in his legs and his arms so badly and so rapidly that in the last three weeks it is almost impossible for him to work and climb stairs. Some days he can't even get out of bed. He is being tested for Muliple Sclerosis. he sold almost everything he has...Denise asked me to help her sell what remaining stuff they have left, so I will be listing stuff of here soon. John is a great, well respected member of this forum and I was wondering if anyone would be willing and able to send a donation to his paypal address? He was always there with a helpful or kind word for his friends on this forum, now he needs your help. His paypal account is [email protected]

Thank you.