CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

I agree with you on this Dart Swinger. it is obvious that it has been in the body shop at some point and there are clear signs of such. I guess that these things always seem to put a damper on things and I feel as though your offer of $5500 is a very respectable offer on this vehicle considering all the imperfections that you have pointed out in the pics. Every rose has it's thorn so to speak and this one is no exception. That lady needs to wake up from her fantasy world if she thinks she can get 10K for this car.

It's a very sad situation! Still not convinced my grandpa's Masonic ring wasn't sold by her other Aunt!!

I was also filled in on a few things from a freind who knows the score in that town!!

I don't know much, I know paint, not formal training, just how I screwed up so many times, remember, then see it on her car!!

I told her I was not going to pick the car to death which I could, the old gal doesn't deserve to be talked like that about her in front of her. (CAR not seller) If they want to put the car away and look this thread over tonight (info on FABO site printed on back of my new business cards so potentials can see my work) Then they will know all I saw through my camera and computer.

$5500.00 was only my lowball starting point in negotiations and with the propper play back and forth across the net it would have "Netted a negotiated price of $7500.00 which I was prepaired to pay, I didn't tell her that but if her son fire up the computer, she'll read it here!

OH BY THE WAY, the offer after tonights missed dinner is now at $6500.00 and not a penny more! (I'm pretty sure you're getting this, so call if you want the money, by Wed the 24th it will be at $6000.00, BETTER HURRY! You know the number)

While we were leaving I again explaine that I would be their only hope for TOP dollar paid in this area due to market and around these parts I'M THE DART MAN!! You better ask somebody!!8)

Fired BOF and BLASTED!!:cheers: