ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

My count is stuck at 0 at the moment. =[ Best of luck Looking good! Imma have to learn to weld. Im actually excited to. Just need to get a welder

Just keep lookin! There is not one amongst them that had a purchase price over $2250.00!! I love my Darts with no payments! Why would ya need anything else?....Well other than more Darts, a Fish, a waggon, a convert or 2, valiant or 3. You know like 1:64 die cast one of each variant in 64 & 65 only! LMAO!!! I wish!! HAHAHA Man I love it, dreams are free!!

ABB and I were discussing, if I hire my friend 2 more times I could pay for the new welder with the same money! Then just rent the tank!8)

My new top of short list future purchase!