Price you pay to play - 727

340mopar said "First off yes you can ban a car from competition if it has the proper safety equipment."

No, you can't. There is a reason there is a rule book for NHRA sanctioned events and it applies to techs as well as car builders and racers, if the vehicle in question has the necessary safety gear, you cannot "ban" it. If you think you can, you WILL NOT be Tech'ing for long, and I am certain you have not banned any vehicle for running a 727. And just as a "MATTER OF FACT" you should do a search of Super Stock rules for ANY and ALL the tracks you can find online, I'll bet you find that it says this for the Transmission section "Stock only. Reverse must operate at all times." or "OEM production 3 or 4 speed transmissions ONLY. Automatics allowed. Working reverse gear required at all times." I don't see any that say "Must run a glide only" and as a matter of fact you would be unable to race if you had anything but OEM stock in your Dodge Plymouth Crysler product. Wanna tell us how in your "techy godliness" you feel you can re-write the rules at "your whim"? You can't. There is a reason safety blankets and/or shields are required for certain types of racing and is suggested as general safety for all. $h!t happens, bet you also find at ANY race event you attend there is a disclaimer on your ticket or entrance pass that says something to the effect that "Racing is a dangerous sport and can cause severe injury or death, you participate at your own risk."

As to racing glides, they are easy on the horsepower they don't rob as much and they used to be literally a dime a dozen, thats why they became popular. They are getting a lot harder to find than they used to so you will see a shift to the next big "dime a dozen trans" at some point in the future.

No offense, but I grew up out on a farm for a while, your "My dad and I are big shot Tech's and can do what we want" smells a lot like the piles that are formed by the waste producing end of cattle.