Turning a 73 Dart into a 72

Well I've finally got a little time to sit down and start a thread on My new project. I previously had a 72 Dart that had some hidden damage that I felt was beyond My skillset (and budget)to repair.Last year I found this 73 Dart in Rocklin near Sacramento Ca advertised here on fabo. I got a great deal and the car is in great shape aside from some rusty floorpans due to a leaky windshield seal . The quarters are rock solid and the trunk is in absolutely great shape.Took some work but I got the 72 doors fenders hood and valance to fit.Sold the 73' front end for nearly what I paid for the entire car!Cleaned up the interior sold the bench and put in my aftermarket buckets.Next I swapped in the 8 3/4" axle that was previously under My 72'.This weekend I transferred the front suspension and V8 K member while I had the engine compartment stripped out for paint .next I need to plumb the new master cylinder and proportioning valve.

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