Time to get started.

Oh yeah!!!!!
Thumbs up for you bud.:cheers: Have a great Sunday. Now who to pic for Bristol today. :-k

I am so glad I got the wiring dun HC, I was on my nee's drilling a 3/4'' hole for the cut off switch and a supply hole for the starter and supply wire and did all the connections with a large crimping tool then heat shrink all areas.
In my other thread where I posted "Victoria got a drink" Creed my son in Europe jumped in and made a post and I spun around in my chair and jumped up to tell Treva and wrenched my lower back :angry7:, Hay I should have slowed down :-D, But man this sure hurt's, I had a few cold ones watching the Bristol race and enjoyed your company :happy10:
I will be fine in a couple days, Good night for know bud :clock: