Victoria got a drink !!

That was funny Mike!

You think that would work for my 'Cuda? I might just give it a try when
the time comes......naw, I'll just drink it myself.:-D
If you look closely at the intake I have the gasket bolted down and a peace of card board covering the front two barrels and I just gave her a small shot just to hear her fire up :happy10: I did drink that beer empty then added the fuel :toothy10:, But I am sure you knew that :toothy10:

Very nice to see he's checking in on you @ FABO 8)

Congrats memike on getting Victoria ready for spring and sounding healthy..LOL :occasion: Almost ready :burnout:
It did surprise me to see him on line and seen my little dar'lin fire up :cheers:
Thank you 6p C :happy10::happy10:

I think after this long crappy winter, we're ALL ready for a little swig!!! Congrats for getting Victoria dolled up, doused up :-D and ready for her spring debut.
Thank you sista :-D Your work will be on the road soon and I can get back to driving her daily again :cheers:
waggin's dual system should make a big difference and the cool fresh air the little 170 will be getting should bump up my gas milage and perform a bit better then the 180 degree air she was getting and taking the tatter out of the exhaust system :cheers:
I had a great day that day :cheers:
Know I need a few days to heal up from jumping up out of my chair to quick.
I can barely get in and out of a chair, But I will be fine, I am walking around in the house and sleeping a few hours at a time.