Moving to California

I left central California back in 1989 because of the smog laws and constant harassment by the police over my hot rod. I've been pulled over for going the speed limit "your car is louder than mine" - CHP Mustang prick; tying my shoelaces (why did you stop in front of this house?) ever try to shift a manual when you are stepping on your own laces, officer? I used to race at Famoso Dragstrip. It's a nice place now.

LOL, I've had that too. Got pulled over one night for blipping the throttle a tad to get ahead of a car and move over a lane to make a turning lane before the next light. Not over the limit, not enough to spin tires, not too much to stop in time or cause problems, but just enough to wake the Big Block a bit, exhibition of speed, lol. People do much worse every day, with full throttle kick downed acceleration in their putt-putts. Not my fault they don't sound awesome while doing it :P