PGClassic chrome mirror corroding already!

This is NOT encouraging.... especially since they are doing those `68 Headlight bezels that are calling my name. I hope they "make it right...".

BTW: I bought my door handles from VANS Restorations. They sell the `68-9 Black button handles for about $130 a pair. With no pitting after 2 years.

Thing is many places sell PG classic parts that buy from PG as a wholesaler.

VANS is a big reseller of PG Classic parts. So it BEA parts.

The PG classic chrome parts look good out of the box. But it's tough to get a real gauge of the chrome durability because 99% of the cars the parts are going on are:

1) Garaged
2) Driven under 5000 miles a year
3) Driven in dry weather only
4) Most of the PG classic parts have only been on the market 3-4 years

The scary part about this is in the Mopar reproduction market there is not enough room to have two different true manufacturer for the most of the parts. So when someone comes out with a part, the other repro manufacturers back off that part.

So if PG comes out with good looking parts out of the box that most garage queens wont test the true durability of, THAT'S IT we are stuck with it.