Jeg Coughlin JR 10' Challenger drag pak

Grassy, is that supposed to be a quote from me up there?
"and I don't expect everyone to agree with me nor do I crap on those that don't"<<<<<<this crap?
I did not say that, but while you're talking quotes, "After looking at your avatar, I take that as a compliment", you did say that about my avatar...correct?
Alrighty then, I guess you are a self-described "gay terrorist sympathizer". Now THAT'S funny! LOL

Do me a favor Grassy, show me where I said you couldn't post! If you read why I said your opinion was a know..behind your'll see that I have already told you why. It's not that big a deal. look at the two cars. What old car do each of them look like? I don't think it even takes a car guy to see the resemblance between the new and old dog can probably see it! LOL