Thank you all

MeMike~ I thought I was on here to much!!!! a matter of fact...I hate to admit this....But I had a DREAM (last night) about meeting you... I knocked on your answer...but the door was open so I let myself where talking story with someone...and didn't hear or see me.. Finally you did and you got all mad at me! You said who the he-double hockey stick are you? and what are you doing in my house? I called you Memike...that calmed you down abit and then I told you I was your FABO friend from Hawaii....after that its all a blur.... I think it was the young picture of you and your wife that stuck in my head just before I went to bed....dang I'm sick! I'm dreamin of MeMIKE!!!!!

Congrats buddy! and


Not sick, and if that make's you sick I must be also :happy10:
I have dreamed about many folks here :toothy10: I dreamed I was lost and looking for OldVart's house and his black Labrador came to my car door and talked to me :toothy10: Then I woke up, Another one I remember was I was at Small Block's house and there was about 20 men there with shot guns in there hands :-D Dove hunting I think. I have never been in Hawaii but maybe I will in a dream some time :happy10:
Well there was that one time when you were at band camp...

Congrats on the 19K posts:cheers:
lmao :toothy10: Thank you mega

Congratulations, my friend 'disco' Mike. I feel thanks to you is in order for all the good things you contribute to this site. One day I hope to say thanks in person.
That would be a great day for me goldfish :cheers: God bless and love that gold barracuda Brother =P~