Car show season (and the people they bring out) around the corner

Had a lady tell her kids I put the Demon EMBLEMS on the car because... I thought it was a fast car.
Another fellow told me about his 70 Demon he bought BRAND NEW, after a while of this and that about the car I told him it was a 71, he kind of wanted to argue since he bought it BRAND NEW... untill his wife asked what month he bought it and explained to him, new car for 71 ...out in late 70...... and it kinda sunk in ..... I just smiled :-D

That's a good one. I always get the " I know the sticker says Demon, but what kinda car is it really?" Or the kids at the gas station wanting to know if it a new Challenger. And finally, "I used to have a Charger just like it with a 440 hemi"
I love car shows...8)