Car show season (and the people they bring out) around the corner

People with large key holders clipped to their belt as they walk right next to the cars with tons of people bumping into one another.
ZERO common sense.

The worst are the adults that let their kids get away with anything and get all pissy with you when you tell their kids to cut it out.
I guess it's their way of getting back at you since they never took the time and effort to build a nice car of their own.

The dude's driving brand new corvette's to a (classic) car show. WTH?

The same dudes that sit in their brand new corvette at the car show that turn up their stereo to whiner rock or rap music because they don't like the music being played at the show.

Car show judges that have never been introduced to any car other than the Ford Mustang or the Chevrolet Camaro.

Purists who look down on your ride because you changed it from stock, then they feel the need to take it upon themself to scold you about it.
These people I have lot's of fun with. LOL.

Yes the ricers suck especially the low performance one's but I try to compliment everyones car because it means alot to them for them to bring their car there.
Maybe they have a crappy life and this is the only thing that makes them feel good so a kind word never hurts anyone.

Now if they are cocky idiots, I'd just as soon ignore them.

Most true car guys will talk their car down to you while you compliment it.
They will point out all the flaws to you because it bugs them.

The guys who frantically get out the instant spray wax wipes, and the Q-tips out as soon as they pull into a small show are the ones that crack me up.
They act like you are bothering them if you walk up to look at their car as they are looking at their watch between buffing out marks that only they can see.

I can see that behavior at large events with tons of fierce competition but at small shows it takes all the fun out of it.

Car shows that have the same three guys win the same trophies every time by the same judges, ha, ha.