EMG Test

Well tomorrow I get the dreaded EMG test on my nerves. Hey wait I don't need to go I should tell him my nerves are already shot, I live with 64dart170. LOL! Just kidding. Anyway I couldn't resist. I have been reading about the test, big mistake. I guess they take several needles and put them in your skin and send some electric charge and it measure something. It also said I would be sore for several days. This is just great because I have to go shopping for clothes for my new position at work which I start on Monday. I am hoping it won't be that bad. Luckily I have the great guy going with me for support. The only thing I haven't found out it whether I get the results tomorrow or not. I hope so. I have been waiting a long time to find out what is wrong with me. Hopefully it is just something that can be fixed easily and not surgery. I don't know what he is going to say about me having minimal bulging disc in all of lower vertebrae. Wish me luck!!