My First Project: 71 Dart Swinger

Awesome, thanks for all the welcomes. Im located about 25 miles north of L.A. Id love to meet up with some people in the area. Ill take some pix of the interior when i get a chance. Its deffinitly gonna need a new dash. Thanks for the heads up on the leaf springs. Ive been trolling around the site for a while, reading about other peoples projects. So its cool to finally start to get workin on my own. If theres anyone in my area, shoot me message. As far as corrupting me goes, it wont take much =P i was a die hard charger fan for a while, and was planning on getting one for a long time and had all sorts of plans for it. But once I met the chick those dreams kinda went out the door, atleast for now. But I got a second chance with the free dart, and im stoked about it.