Dog destroys cop car

Hey Joe, I wouldn't want to be the one trying to hold back Merlin if he desides to sample some goose patte. By the way how's Maxi doing?

She got out of her last splint last Wed, and I had to get her to the vet pronto. Thank goodness I started my day at 4:30 am, so I got home at 3:00pm when the vet was still open. They took her right in, changed her splint and bandage, did a x-ray (looks very good, but not healing as fast as the original surgeon might have thought), did a blood and stool work up and she's 100% good to go until the next splint change.

This was the first time I saw her leg out of the splint and although I saw no signs of skin discomfort, her leg is somewhat atrophied. She really didn't show any major signs of pain, but she has been super grouchy. The vet thinks that after another 4 weeks (2 more splint changes) she should be ready for a hock brace. They did give her a full 30 more days of Rimadyl, and she seems much more That was 400 bucks.... :-D

Merlin is going in tomorrow for his check up tomorrow and I expect another big bill, but that's OK. They are my family and I've been working extra hours so it all works out perfectly. :read2:

BTW, can you take these damn geese back? :-D

[ame=""]YouTube- Ton's O Geese![/ame]